Friday, February 21, 2014

Checking In

The cold of the past few weeks hasn't been great for the farm. Fortunately, the sun is now shining and things are looking bright. On Saturday, February 8th, we made the trek to the market, though the majority of the other farmers did not. We were one of the only one's selling veggies so we sold out very early. I also started surveying people to find out about ways to improve our offerings at the market and how to improve the market as a whole. I hope to get more input from buyers at coming markets, but we've already gotten a lot of great ideas. Unfortunately, this past weekend there wasn't enough harvest to merit going to the market.

Just before we sold out

The cold also meant I spent quite a bit of time in the green house....

Planting asparagus outside on a nicer day......

This asparagus was transplanted from another bed. I had no idea that is what an asparagus plant looks like, pretty cool huh? I have zero previous experience in gardening so it is really interesting learning about organic methods. The whole idea of growing certain plants to revitalize the soil or growing two particular plants in the same bed as they help each other grow are not really things I had previously thought about. I am certainly gaining a new appreciation for where my food comes from.

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